"But I'm not waving a flag for them off the balcony of my condo."

While servicemen in Iraq rock their Steelers yellow on tanks, and while Pittsburghers everywhere are eager to show their toughness and yellowness, Seattle is asleep at the Superbowl frenzy wheel, something not missed by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. And from Seattle P-I, some quotes from this article:
....collective response to Seattle's first Super Bowl contest might best be described as polite, though pleased, bewilderment....
Call it laid-back cool or uptight reserve, Seattle's signature style does not often lend itself to overt displays of joy.
"You've got probably 70 percent of the people here are on some kind of anti-depressants because of Seasonal Affective Disorder," said Vinnie Richichi, better known as "New York Vinnie," the garrulous and decidedly un-Seattle commentator on KIRO sports radio.
"People don't let their emotions out here like they do in other places. It's the kind of town where you're told to sit down at a Rolling Stones concert. It's the kind of town where you have to be told, 'It's OK to go crazy.' "...
Monica Corsaro a Methodist minister leading an Equality Day rally at the capitol in Olympia on Monday, called out to the crowd, "We are gay, we are straight, and we are Seahawks fans!" to roars of appreciation. (God loves the Pittsburgh Steelers too, she noted.)....
"I will say that when they won, there was definitely a change in the air," the part-time cashier said. "But I'm also a yoga instructor, so I feel these things."
The place where Eben mentioned that people were very polite to opposing baseball players. Seattle, know this: you and your God want Pittsburgh to fall into the three rivers and be washed away by Lake Erie. That's what Pitt ministers would wish on you, and it's all in good fun.
Park Slope West is going to get smoked in the Superbowl.